It is now being reported that there is an apparent norovirus outbreak on board Carnival Cruise Lines’ Carnival Freedom.
5:10pm (5/14): Earlier today there were rumors of a death of a passenger as a result of the Norovirus outbreak. There was in fact a death on board the Carnival Freedom, but it was unrelated to the Norovirus outbreak. Here is the official stateroom from Carnival Cruise Lines…
Carnival Cruise Lines confirms that there was a death on board the Freedom but it appears to be unrelated to the norovirus outbreak as the guest who passed away had other health issues.
4:15 (5/13): One passenger has contacted me saying over 250 passengers were confined to their cabins after they were infected with the Norovirus.
5:55pm Update: I have just received this statement from Carnival Cruise Line’s regarding this incident:
May 12, 2012 – During the current voyage of the Carnival Freedom, which departed from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on May 5 and ends Sunday, May 13, a number of guests and crew have reported symptoms of gastrointestinal illness.
While unconfirmed, the incidences of GI distress being reported are believed to be the result of a Norovirus which is a highly contagious illness easily transmitted person-to-person and via common surfaces. Extensive and vigorous cleaning and disinfection of the vessel with special cleaning agents is being conducted to control any further spread.
Embarkation for Sunday’s voyage, a six-day cruise scheduled to depart at 4 p.m. will likely be delayed so that the ship’s crew can continue the aggressive cleaning and sanitizing protocol.
What is Norovirus? Norovirus is an extremely common and highly contagious virus, which causes gastroenteritis. It is sometimes referred to as the “24-hour stomach bug.” The CDC estimates that Norovirus is the causative agent of some 23 million cases of gastroenteritis in the U.S. annually, however, the vast majority of outbreaks occur on land. Symptoms usually last between one and three days and generally resolve without treatment. For additional information on Norovirus, please visit the CDC website athttp://www.cdc.gov/norovirus/index.html
12:50pm: I reached out to Carnival Cruise Lines today for a comment on the situation, but at the time they were not available.
As of right now there are no actual numbers of how many passengers are affected by this outbreak, but Carnival has scheduled a delayed embarkation tomorrow so the ship can be thoroughly cleaned tomorrow morning. The Carnival Freedom will dock tomorrow morning in Port Everglades, but will now begin embarkation at 1:30pm and will have a later departure. There is no information yet on any itinerary changes.
One member of Cruise Critic (who is on this cruise) posted,
Hey fellow cruisers, we are on the Freedom this week (Southern Caribbean) and there have been numerous reports of Norovirus. Unfortunately, my son and I were both affected but are better now. It was the worst I’ve ever felt in my life, and that is the solemn truth.
I will keep you updated on this developing story.
34 replies on “Norovirus Outbreak on Carnival Freedom”
We are still waiting to board the freedom- a bit afraid after reading this blog!
Don’t worry about it! I truust that the Freedom’s crew will do a great job cleaning the ship to make sure you have a safe and fantastic cruise! I was jusst on board the Freedom last August and I know you will have a great cruise!
We just got off the Freedom today (May 13). Over 250 people were confined to their cabins one day. Lots of people were sick. Crew didn’t start disinfecting until numerous passengers were already sick. Going back to Royal Caribbean.
Mikey! Thankfully, you have got it right! My wife and I are 18 time “platinum” cruisers with Carnival. The Noro virus more times than not, is brought aboard by passengers or rotating crew members. The buffet tables, while inviting, can be readily infected and passed on by careless food handling by passengers. On Holland America, you not longer serve your own food, a crew member with gloves on, puts it on your plate. We prefer to eat all three meals in the dining room!!! We feel there is far less chance of coming in contact with the virus then standing in long buffet lines with hacking and sneezing passengers all about you! Those hand sanitizer stations are bug fatorys in themselves. We carry a large supply of “Germ-X hand sanitizing wipes, using as many as 5 per day, and we also use “Nozin” nasal Sanitizers several times per day. they can be easily carried in purse or pocket. We have sailed on the Freedom 3 times, and did and 8/6 day back to back on her onece, and the crew was fantastic. Everyone is quick to blame everyone else, but most times, with Nora virus, eiather thru careless hygene, or just plain lack of consideration by carless passengers is how this virus gallups thru a ship!
Actually, the best time to go is after a minor out break. That ship will get sanitized from top to bottom. We have sailed on her 3 times, and never had a problem. When you consider that a Conquest class ship (we have sailed on the Freedom 3 Xs, the Glory 2Xs) usually has in excess of 3,000 passengers, and another 1,200 crew, 250 is not that big a number, and was probably passed along at one meal at the buffet, and careless hygene by those infected, both crew and passengers. We eat all of our meals (except pizza, and we get a whole pie for ourself) in the dinning rooms or in our Cabin, never (knock on wood) been sick yet in 23 cruises!!!
Just came off that “Freedom” cruise. My husband and I are frequent Carnival cruisers. This cruise was nothing short of horrendous. For those I have read who were ill but did not report to the medical center for fear of quarantine…..what did they do? go about their business on the ship infecting others? I was so ill I had to have a wheelchair to get to the med ctr. I was given a nausea shot and pills which did not work for 24 hours and was quarantined for 48 hours…rightly so. My husband did eight loads of towels, facecloths, etc while I was ill. We were given red biohazard bags to place our empty dishes in after meals. My husband walked the 7 and 8th floors and found many bags outside cabins. During my visits to the med center there were many passengers and crew waiting to be seen. We saw crew members replacing wallpaper on the hall walls, scrubbing carpets. My suite,on 7th floor, was scrubbed from top to bottom, including the balcony. Many passengers came off the ship in wheelchairs and there was an ambulance waiting for the deceased passenger. Our treatment during this time was not up to par at all. Taking into consideration that many of the crew was also ill, I guess that’s about what we could have expected. Out of the 14 of us who cruised together, two ….plus me..were quarantined and others had diarrhea. Sad to say, but something has to be done about this..I am still ill and being treated with antibiotics.
They was more than 250 sick, I believe even one death on last sailing
I got off thr Freedom also on May 13th. My family was also sick. (very sick). Medical had to come and get 1 family member. They were given shots and quarintined to their rooms for almost 36 hours. We were all washing hands and using sanitizer constantly and still got sick. Everyone is feeling better now. That was my 11th cruise and I have never been on one before where a virus spread so quickly. Hopefully it will soon be ending on this ship. We read on another sight that it had been like this for about the last 3 cruises. Carnival crew members were wearing gloves and cleaning alot more than normal once so many people were getting sick.
I was one of the many who got the Norovirus on the 5/5/2012 Carnival Freedom Cruise. I was so sick I couldn’t lift my head off my pillow. Everytime I took a drink to try to stay hydrated my stomach was in so much pain and the rest followed. There was a lot of people in our group that got sick. It was hard to drink because you knew what was coming next. I was dehydrated and past out in the med unit. Watch the drink bar, people use the same glasses they drank from to get more…. NOT GOOD!!! Just be safe and WASH YOUR HANDS ALL THE TIME!! This is no JOKE…
We are leaving saturday on the freedom!! i am not looking forward to it at all now! i’m terrified! i’ve been through enough lately! i don’t need to be deathly sick on vacation!
Tiffany! Put your mind at ease. I know that ship! They will have that ship so clean, you will be fine. Keep in mind that Noravirus is alway brought on board. My advice? Before you go, go to walmart and pick up “Germ-X hand sanitizing wipes” you can carry several in your purse or pocket. Use them prior to every meal, and after moving thru the ship touching various surfaces and remember to also get Nozin noes swabs as the Norovirus gets in to the body thru the nose, and Nozin is effective in blocking it. The buffets are tempting, but the dining rooms are more civilized, and there is less people in close proximity to you.
I was on the ship as well 5/5 …. I’ve never been that sick in my life … Including appendix ….. I didn’t know anyone else was sick and felt better within 24 hrs … Thought it was food til my husband got sick … I brought him to medical right away … They just gave him pepto bismo and sent us on our way …. I asked if they wanted my info because I was sick first they said no …I thought they should document me ….. The entertainment , dining rooms, and housekeeping staff was great but the buffet area personnel … Not helping matters I saw a cleaning girl drop a cloth on the floor then wipe buffet table with it … I saw fly on food at Mongolian wok area … Told them … They just removed the meat the fly was on . I called carnival with my concerns today it took 45 min on hold … Then women asked for every detail … About 30 min. ……all that so she could say …thanks for letting us know … Sorry …. R u. Kidding ? I expected them to extend at the least some type of discount on a return trip . This ship needs to be evacuated and sanitized before some elderly person or infant die
We have been on 7 in a row with carnival..no more for our group of 20…things have changed …little things make a difference..such as no trays at the buffett line…..really?? slots were down one night for 7 hours and could not use sail and sign card in the machines..You would think they would at least give a voucher or something..they know what each person spends in the casino… recieved my 1500 points on tuesday(for free drinks while playing) and couldnt even get drinks in the casino that night..Few years back i recieved chocolate covered cherries and wine in my room when i arrived,,,,,,(from the casino) saying welcome back…nothing this year….I know they are little things but……it makes a difference……We ere told that a email was sent to all upcomming passengers advising of virus……nottttt, noone got that..no more carnival for us……….One in our group was on the zipline when it hit her….had to stop almost at the start , she should have been compensated and was not..guess royal carribean is on our list to try next year………
Well now! I am “Anonymous” (above). Not only have we not received any replies from the CEO, Brand Director, Head of Guest Services, but now we have received an $11.00 bill from Carnival for a large bottle of water, one can of Sprite and one can of Diet Coke that I was told, by the nurse, that I must drink while quarantined!!! Sign and Sail division told my husband that we were not charged before we left the ship because those were provided in our fridge and on the desk in the suite and were not checked on until after we left!! When told the reason they were used, their only answer was that we have to pay it. I feel a case of “writer’s cramp” coming on, so it may be awhile before they get their $11.00! Royal Caribbean is looking alot better these days. Disgust is not even the word for the way everyone who was ill is being treated. We live in the Tampa area and only one little “blurb” was on the news about this, the day after the ship came into port. Guess these cruise lines have a lot of pull with the media. I wish there was a social networking site where we could all post our names (those of us who were treated at the medical center). Perhaps we could get the attention of someone important enough to force Carnival to make this up to all of us. Not only were the passengers who were sick quarantined, but my husband stayed with me, ordered room service, because he was afraid I would pass out! Come on, people, let’s try to do something!
There are many more people that were ill from this cruise that have not been counted as they were not seen in the clinic. My husband and I were sicker than we have ever been in our lives. The fact that Carnival Cruise line did not inform us that there had been an outbreak was negligent on their part. Many of the alcohol dispensers were empty despite the fact that they told everyone to use them to clean their hands. This was the only indication that there was an issue. They knew about the outbreak since the April 21st cruise and instead of notifying the passengers they put us all at risk. Never again will I sail Carnival.
I was on the May 5th cruise and I am still sick. I was in bed horribly sick almost the entire cruise. Pisses me off that Carnival knew about the outbreak on the previous 2 sailings and said nothing on this cruise. They were still letting people get their own food off the buffet line and mentioned nothing about previous sailings that were infected. I saved and saved for this cruise only to lose it all and be sick, the worst sickness I have ever had.
My husband and I were both also on the Freedom 5/5/12 voyage. We both got very sick. I did not go to the med center, so it was not reported. My husband needed an IV so had to go see the dr. which resulted in his being quarantined for 24 hours. Even though I didn’t get quarantined, I couldn’t leave my cabin anyway I was so violently ill. By the end of the cruise last report I heard was 403 confirmed cruisers had gone to the med facility for GI illness. So many more people didn’t go to the doctor because they were afraid of being quarantined and not let off the ship at ports of call. t spoke to many people on the ship and at the airport and I always asked how many in their group were sick and if they went to the doc on the ship to report it. 403 is not even close to how many were sick. It is over double that, I’d estimate that 1,000 out of the 3,000 people on that ship came down with the norovirus. You saw sick people sitting on the stairways in their PJ’s, as they were to ill to walk. My husband lost 4 pounds on this cruise, who loses weight on vacation? I did see many crew members sanitizing the boat all week, however. I’d stay away from the buffet line and stick to the specialty restaurant or dining room on this cruise. Room service was good too, and would drop off food or drink with a biohazard bag while you were quarantined. They didn’t charge any of the passengers for the medical expenses incurred either, which was nice, as I expected several hundred dollars added to our bill for my husband’s visit to the doctor. They also offered free pay per view movies and caffeine free soda during your quarantine period.
Thank you all for your responses about what life was like on board the Freedom during this time. I am really sorry that your cruise did not go the way you planned, and I hope that you are or will be feeling better very soon!
My wife contracted the Noro and I came down with a nasty cold. We hit every sanitizer and washed our hands regularly. Cruises are just germ fests. If I did the math right that is at least 3 back to back cruises with an outbreak. Either it is still on board or the crew is passing it around. I suppose all cruise ships are vulnerable in this way, but I am really pissed at Carnival’s lack of communication. They have lost my business forever.
Our party of 8 were also on the Carnival Freedom 5/5 – 5/13 cruise. Four of us got this flu.
Our rooms were on the 8th & 9th floors. We did not report our sickness because of fear of being quarantined. The flu lasted 24 hrs. Excessive cleaning was being done at all times and I think Carnival did their best. No one knows how many were actually sick.
So you did not report it for fear of being Quarantined??? That is exactly the wrong thing to do!!! Who knows how many people the virus could have been spread to because of your selfishness. There is a reason why they quarrantine people! To keep it from spreading. Thank goodness it is just a simple GI bug, and not something serious. And because of your selfishness, Your room was probably not cleaned as well as it should have been, and you may be responsible for passing the bug on to the next cruise! NICE!!!!!
My wife and i were on that cruise, and heard the rumors. We did niot get sick,. We ate the breakfast and lunch buffet everyday. Those of you who Know ALL FLUS are transmitted by peoples lack of concern for others, not washing your hands, grabbing things out of the buffet without tongs and so on. It doesnt matter what cruise line, resort, or restraunt you go to. The service industry does overall a great job in protecting us (mostly themselves) from getting sick. If we took thier precautions at home we be healthier. By the way ever read a magazine, skymall, or emergency card on a plane? Um wonder whos been touching that.
Well said! All these anonymous comments that they did not report being sick? How the heck is the crew supposed to react, if you do not tell them? Plus, and pardon me for repeating myself, but it bears repeating: “The fact that you did not report it probably means that your cabin was not properly sanitized, and YOU may be responsible for passing it on to the next cruise!!! But go ahead, blame Carnival!!! It may have been the same kind of selfish person that caused you to get sick……THINK ABOUT IT!!! The wife and I have been on 18 cruises on Carnival, and have never been sick once!!! The first thing we do, even before we unpack is to hand the Steward 20 bucks and tell him we want the cabin Sanitized fully, stem to stern. That protects us against selfish prior cruisers. We carry Germ-X sanitizing wipes! they are far more effecftive than just continuing to use those gooie sanitizers from the dispenser. If you don’t wash your hands in between aplicatiions they are almost worthless. The wipes have 60% alcohol and other agents and pull the dirt and germs into the towelette and off your hands!! After you clean you hands, you can also use them to clean your table spot before throwing them away!
We were on that cruise, and did not catch any virus. I think you have to be responsible for yourselves. I think the biggest breading ground for the virus is the casino. Everybody touches the machines and they are never wiped down during the day. I’m not sure how thay are cleaned at nite after it is closed. If you check most of the sick people were at one time players in the casino. Just the air quality in there is enough to make you sick. On the whole the cruise was a pleasant trip. Sorry for all who were sicl
Sorry Debi, I didn’t even go into the casino and the little girl in our party didn’t either. Just saying but I do agree with you, they never wipe down the machine.
I’d like to add a few more thoughts on my previous post. I agree with the general sentiment that we are all individually responsible for the spread of disease, much more so than the cruise line. I especially align with the thought that selfish persons who do not act with the motivation of protecting the community at large are the most likely the cause of the spread of the disease. However, where I keep coming back on this issue is the lack of communication from the cruise line. All we heard was to was our hands. There were other subtle indicators that something may be going on such as the washing of hand rails. But here’s the thing…there are always things we *should* to protect our health and welfare. I should exercise more and eat right, for example. But if I know I am at a high risk I am more motivated to do the right things. If I have been diagnosed with heart disease I am much more motivated to act. If I had known that there was a considerable viral breakout on board, there are definitely behavioral changes we would have enacted, above and beyond mere hand washing. Not communicating that a hazardous health condition not only was in progress, but had been so for several weeks, is just plain negligence on the part of the cruise line in my mind. I am not litigious, mind you, just pissed.
Oh, and by the way, we got no form of compensation such as free movies or what not, unless you call a free ride in a wheelchair a perk.
After my husband’s visit to the medical center, we received a letter in our room from Carnival advising him that he was quarantined until receiving medical clearance, could not leave the ship, was to stay in his cabin and not allowed into the dining rooms. It also stated their apologizes and that he could rent pay per view movies at no charge and order free caffiene free soda via room service. They originally charged our bill for the movies, but then removed those charges at the end of the cruise. He became sick on Wednesday. Maybe they became so overwhelmed with sick cruisers that they couldn’t keep up with the letters, I’m not sure. I wish I could scan the letter in so you could see it, but I don’t see a way to do that here.
No problem, thanks for the reply. I certainly take your word for it. I really didn’t expect anything of the sort. My main point is, I would have preferred a letter in my cabin upon arrival warning of the potential hazard with all the appropriate tips for prevention. I liken it to the McDonalds employee who mops the floor and forgets to put out the wet floor sign. Sure, I may slip and fall anyway, but I have a much better chance of avoiding that knowing in advance. End of rant. We did get a survey, so maybe I can vent a little there 😉
If you were so sick from the Noro Virus who in there right mind would care if your quarantined. where and what are you going to do when you can’t get out of bed or leave the bathroom anyway so do you really care if your quarantined? Are you really going to get off the ship and go shopping or do anything, REALLY!!! Again I was sick and went to med unit and was quarantined. No problem, I got the medical attition and it was docoumented (right thing to do). I didn’t feel like sunbathing or having a drink or getting off the ship to go snorkel. This was my 2nd time with the Noro Virus. 2 out of my last three cruises I got sick, once in 2008 on the Victory and this time on the Freedom. I sailed the Dream in Oct/Nov 2010 and had no problem.
Continue comment.
I think the cruise line should have to warn passengers that there is a virus aboard and if you come down ill you need to see the med unit. I also think that the ship needs to be quarantined for 48-72 hrs so that it can futher be sanitized and the germ can have a chance to die. I read it takes up to 72hrs to die. Yes the crew is sanitizing the ship all the time, most of the time the rags are dirty and not washed out as they go. So lets say a crew member sanitizes the railing right before me and I come along and touch the railing and I’m affected but don’t know it yet…. It’s infected with the germ again but they already did their job and cleaned it, how long before they come back to clean it again? This is why I think the ship needs to be quarantined just like us!!
Just received a “non-response” from Carnival telling us they are very sorry that I was ill, but there will be no recourse for us re’ norovirus. Doesn’t surprise us, but it is sad that such a large company will not respond as they should to so many complaints. As I have said before, we will not cruise Carnival ships again. We realize that this virus probably could not have been prevented, but Carnival’s lack of response is nothing short of lying about everything that happened on that ship. Goodbye Carnival!
Sailed on the Freedom’s may19th 8 day cruise with 5 other people in our party. Didn’t experience the virus thank god. We did hand disinfect at every station and carried purell
I took a trip with my family on the freedom on the 19th, and i too got sick. At first i thought it was sea sickness, but after I realized I wasn’t getting better I went to the infirmary. They weren’t very helpful at first. I had to be picked up in a wheel chair from my room and then wait in the infirmary for about 20 minutes vomitting in a bag until someone would help me. Once the nurse was ready to work again I was given a shot and some cramping medicine and immodium. In total I vommitted 15 times and have never felt so weak before in my life. I had to go to the infirmary again, and they finally gave me fluids because I was so dehydrated and weak. I could not keep anything down. Not once did they mention the norovirus. If my family had known what was happening, they probably would have been a little more cautious around me. My mom contracted the virus the next day, and my sister contracted it the day after.