
Tragedy on board the Costa Concordia – Updates




By Mike Faust

Mike Faust is an avid world traveler, often found traversing city streets in Asia and Europe rather than his home city of Boca Raton. Mike has touched down in 39 countries, set sail on 35 cruises, and flown over 400,000 lifetime miles.

63 replies on “Tragedy on board the Costa Concordia – Updates”

We are waiting on a confirmation about the status of the remaining 50 or so people on board. I will post the info as soon as I have it.

[…] crew members.We will continue updating this story as it develops tonight and further on. Source: BREAKING NEWS: COSTA CONCORDIA HAS CAPSIZED, ABOUT 50 PASSENGERS LEFT, HELICOPTER RESCUE UNDERWAY | … John Cruise Addicts Reply With Quote Quick Navigation Cruise & […]

450 million euros and eight lives (so far) down the drain… great job, harbormaster. Hope you enjoy living like a bum for the rest of your life after Costa sues your sorry butt for every cent you have.

Anonymous. You can for sure double that to 900 MEUR for the insurancwe value of the ship and then add another couple of hundred millions for the salvage.

If there’s anyone that we should be shaming, it’s the captain of this vessel. Running away to “save his career” while the crew tried to save the lives of the passengers on board? What a despicable person. If there’s anyone who should be “living like a bum after Costa sues his sorry ass”, it’s this guy.

Thank you Mikey for keeping your blog updated on current information. Thoughts and prayers to the families who lost loved ones and to the passengers and crew who are reeling with the stress and heartbreak of the situation. Bravo to those that sprang into action and saved so many.

As a cruise professional I also send my thoughts and support to Costa in this extremely unfortunate situation,

It sounds like there could have been something submerged that the harbormaster might not have been aware. I’m sure he will suffer in his own mind for this. I pray for the victims, families, crew and all the people helping them. Such a sad situation. Lives gone. I hope they find what did the damage.

They self insure – so its cost them! Safety doesnt come cheap so passengers wanting cheap cruises and companies employing cheap staff should remember this in the future! I hope that the missing dont turn up dead in the engine room as thats where the rock hit!

Thanks for all the info. You do a great job and its nice to hear of a young man who isn’t zoned out on video games.

Who selected this stupid thing to Command the ship? What this Moran Captain was doing in so shallow waters 2.5 miles of course? Why took so long, 45 minutes, for 1000 Illiterate, ignorant, and probably mentally insane crew members, to evaluate the situation. In the Titanic case, it took the crew only 10 minutes to evaluate the situation and conclude that they have only 2 hours to sink. Why the mentally insane 1000 crewmember did not broadcast any Distress call? Why captain fled the accident scene with a lot of money? Maybe hi was a drug dealer? Viva La Mafia. Viva Italy.

How about you?Are you on your right mind?If the crew are ignorant and illiterate,and insane like what you are talking at least they were brave enough to save the lives of more than 4,ooo people.We have to follow some procedures, as we have learned in our boatdrills.If you are not a human being,so perfect, born without original sin,then maybe you will not realize what im talking about.Maybe to some individuals the effort to evacuate people is not enough,and even the simple act of giving lifejackets doesnt mean thing to them, but for us crew, we have just one objective, to save lives,at the expense of losing our own lives.I hope one day you will learn a lesson in life, and i wish you will still remember and reflect on what I’ve written here.Gracie!!Helena.

I am in now way taking a stance on this issue. I am just reporting the news that is credible. I will admit that in earlier updates, I did post some news items that weren’t very credible. I apologize if I have offended you in any way. I am now only reporting facts.

From the looks of it. It would seem that the M/S Costa Concordia may be a construtive total loss, that is 114,500 ton of dead ship. Not including fuel oil and other things that add to the ships (GRT). The damage to the Port side is vary bad, and i would hate to see just how bad it is on the starbarod side. I wounder if crew attempted to counter flood the ships starboard tanks with water causeing the vessel to list over so hard. However i doubt that is the case i think the StarBarod side received most of the damage. Shoring up the hull will be a massive undertaking if it can be done. The ship may have to have parts of the super structure removed in orderd to make it light enough to be refloted. The M/S Costa Concordia is the lead ship in her class and her near sister the M/S Carnival Splendor sufferd a fire in 2010 when a gear box split causing a total loss of power. Yet, what happned to the Concoridia seem to be just human error. I feel sad for those poor souls lost while the so called “capitan” and his frist mate left the ship. Captian’s should always put the passengers and crews live before their own, such a shame.

Mikey, I Just found out from a BBC article that a 3rd person has been rescued from The ship. He is an Italian crewmember with serious leg injuries, but besides that, he is okay.

Can u please inform us also the number of crew that are saved along with their names,and nationalities,we need some more information about the crew,I was once a crew member also of Costa fleet,thank you so much

Hello Ivan,
As of right now the only information I have is that every crew member except 6 have been rescued. Costa has not made known their names or nationalities. I apologize for this, but if I learn anything else regarding the crew I will make sure I post it, thank you for reading.

the 3rd person found was a crew member.
Here is a quote from the BBC Article
“The third survivor has been named as Manrico Gianpetroni, an Italian national and a senior member of the crew. He has serious leg injuries.”

Thanks so much for keeping us up to date. The Costa site is down, overloaded making this the only source right now for the official statements. It certainly reads to me like they are at this point putting the Captain at fault. It would appear the hit the outside rocks on the SE side of the island and then spun around when they dropped anchor in an emergency stop. They’re both unfortunate and lucky that the accident occured where it did given the water temps and the fact that many life boats went unused due to listing.

Katia Keyvanian
Purtroppo non ho il name tag, da fotografare, perchè l’ho perso in mare, assieme alla macchina fotografica!! Sono Katia Keyvanian, GSM – Imbarcata il giorno 13/1 per sostituire la collega del Concordia. Scrivo solo due righe, perchè ho un treno da prendere per tornare a casa!! Vorrei tanto essere invitata dai vari Giletti, Mentana, Vinci, e da tutti gli altri giornalisti, che senza cognizione di causa , senza aver verificato le loro fonti, e le notizie, scrivono e dicono un sacco di IDIOZIE!!! Vorrei poter rispondere, alla marea di idiozie e falsità che sono state dette! Per il momento ne dico solo una, poi, quando potrò scriverò di piu’. Abbiamo evacuato, al buio, con la nave piegata su un fianco 4000 persone in meno di due ore!!! Gli incompetenti non sono in grado di fare questo.
Non è vero che il Comandante è sceso per primo, io ero sull’ultima lancia, e lui rimasto attaccato alla ringhiera al ponte 3, mentre la nave affondava. VERGOGNATEVI VOI GIORNALISTI INCOMPETENTI che avete scritto che lui è sceso per primo!!! Io ero sulla lancia, che mentre si allontanava, stava per essere schiacciata dai paranchi della nave che affondava e stava per sfondare il tetto della nostra lancia. Abbiamo tirato su in lancia un sacco di ospiti che erano finiti in mare, e mentre spogliavamo una ragazza bagnata per coprirla con la coperta termica, un ospite ci faceva un filmino con il telefonino!!! VERGOGNATEVI!!! abbiamo lanciato un salvagente in mare, e mentre tiravamo su un altro signore, io con la corda legata al polso per fare forza, e tirare su, un signore che fa la foto!! VERGOGNATEVI!!! abbiamo dovuto gestire un branco di pecoroni allo sbaraglio, e poi vengono a dire che noi siamo stati incompetenti??! VERGOGNATEVI!! mentre ero inclinata a fare uscire le persone che spingevano, e urlavano, poco alla volta nelle lancie, un uomo grande e grosso ovviamente pax, con la sigaretta in bocca. Quando gli ho chiesto “ma che caz.. sta facendo, fuma in questo stato, inclinati, al buio, con il carburante che potrebbe uscire!!” la risposta è stata “mi serve per lo stress”!!!!!!!!!!!!! ho una sola parola da aggiungere, prima di perdere il treno……… Noi ci siamo adoperati per gli ospiti, per salvarli, portarli in sicurezza, se sono salvi, è merito solo nostro, di tutto l’equipaggio, che ha fatto di tutto. Non vogliamo essere ringraziati, NO, abbiamo fatto solo il nostro dovere, ma non vogliamo nemmeno sentire tutte le fesserie, bugie, menzogne, tanto per fare lo scoop, o fare una trasmissione che sono state dette. 4000 PERSONE IN DUE ORE, AL BUIO… E INCLINATI, LI ABBIAMO PORTATI NOI, STAFF DEL CONCORDIA, A TERRA, NON SONO SCESI LORO IN SPIAGGIA CON IL SECCHIELLO E LA PALETTA, E LE FORMINE !!! li abbiamo portati noi!!!! Colgo l’occasione per ringraziare tutti gli abitanti dell’isola del giglio, anche il sindaco, che è salito a bordo, a verificare la situazione, (non sapendo chi fosse lo avevo ripreso perchè non aveva il giubbotto!) ringrazio con tutto il cuore tutti, tutti gli abitanti dell’isola che si sono adoperati per tutti noi, con massima diponibilità, dandoci le loro coperte colorate, fatte all’uncinetto. cercando dei carica batterie per il cellulare, e tanto altro. Grazie a tutti loro. Ora scappo che devo prendere un treno, e andare a casa. A presto. Ah, dimenticavo…. agli altri dico VERGOGNATEVI!!!!

The tragedy of Costa Concordia is adding another dent to the troubled European Banking System, routed from inside, by many irresponsible nations like Greece, Portugal, Italy etc, that don’t like to stay under the European Federate, ruled by the Treaty of Lisbon’s dictate. More than 500 billion Euros, wasted in Loans and Grants, didn’t help much, and now the Euro zone is in big trouble. The bulk of the money that Greece is “getting” comes right back to the ECB. So at least 58 % of every bailout Euro is going to Banks and Insurance companies outside of Greece. Greece is getting a bailout, but you can see why Merkozy got so scared at the rest of the EU. Whatever posturing is going on, Greece will get away without meeting any of its stated goals, or at least it will until the EU decides it has written down enough principal and that the ECB can handle the shock. At the end, the Ancient Greeks deceived EU and got away with free hundreds billions of Euros. And now the Liner Company of Costa Concordia, is trying to get away with some hundreds millions of Euros, downsizing the company and adding some badly needed liquid cash … to pay for the victims too. Viva la Mafia. Viva Italy.

Thank you for posting the list of the “heros.” Lets not forget them or their families and keep them all in our prayers.

I haven’t been posting recently because there has been no major breaking news about the incident. As soon as something breaks, I will post.

Mikey, has the rescue team checked all the elevators for missing passengers. Passengers could have been trapped in them. Please contact someone in charge of rescue and mention this.

Nice job on this. I would be very interested in finding a timeline of what happened and when. Examples. When was the first passenger off and the last. Timing of the key video of of people inside and at the lifeboats to give relevance on how far into the evening this was. When the ship started listing and the what degree. Last, the response times of the coast guard and the Islanders ( I read a report that the assistance mayor was on-board assisting with the rescue) and activities that were going on.

Look you all need to know Costa Cruise has hired spin doctor Clarence Mitchell ,he is NOT an attorney as is being portrayed. Clarence Mitchell tried to frame Robert Murat in the McCann case, he is now trying to frame the Captain . There are many reasons this accident occured but we all have to ask ourselves why Costa would hire a spin doctor with such a murky reputation..In fact why hire a spin doctor at all ?

Mike take a look at this clip—toward the end reporter tries to speak with Filipino staff, they are being hurried throug, have they been told not to say anything ?

The one Filipino staff member she does manage to talk to has amnesia !

I believe they had unregistered staff members on board and Clarence Mitchell is spinning it as stowaways or passengers. I checked forensic sites and people who have been in the water for several days will still be clothed wearing jewelly etc. Bodies turning up wearing that distinct red and white uniform ? Filipinos with their gold cross and chains ! Utterly appalling if Costa Cruise are trying to cover thgis up. BUT Mike this is what Clarence Mitchell does he ‘covers up for dead bodies’

This is interesting, every passenger that boarded the ship was registered and photographed. Confirmation there was no unregistered passenegers on board leaves me with the feeling there were poor people working on that ship unregistered and now dead. So far only one Hungarian family has come forward.

The rest of the article is the work of Clarence Mitchell who now has the capatain chopping heads off as he fled to shore. Have any headless bodies been found ? Mitchells aim is to make the Captain the most hated man in Italy and he will succeed.just the way he did with Robert Murat an innocent man,

Very interesting, thanks for the heads up. I just want to wait for a confirmation on this before I post anything. Thanks again.

The Independent as you know Mike is owned by a Russian he knows all about Clarence Mitchell and the British spin.

No hurry slowly slowly catchy monkey. I just want you to watch Mitchell spin this story and for you to make your own mind up. The captain is being used to take away the real story that it looks very much like Costa Cruise employed unregistered sweatshop kids to do the dirty jobs.

Plenty on the Carnival Splendor Mike ,they were warned back in 2010 to check their blackout as this would lose control of the ship, but it would appear they took no notice !

I also noticed that earlier and was wondering what was up with that. Thanks again Steph for your continued postings, I really appreciate it!

Mr. Mikey,Im very grateful to you for providing us updates on Costa Concordia.Any information that you give is so important to us.We have our friends,and I know a lot of people there,because Im from Costa Concordia.The first thing our friend wrote on facebook mobile was “Please God Help Us!”,and after 45 minutes ,”Abandon ship!”.After that no more, so we just rely on you.Thank You very much for that!!We only get hurt when some insensitive individual verbally abuse us.Im very sure it is not you, as you are very polite.GOOD LUCK!!!

Hi Helena,
So were you on board the ship or your friends were? I hope that all of you are in good health, I am glad I am able to provide this information to you. Thanks for following!

Im on vacation, I finish my contract there when it happened.Erika Fani Soria Molina ,disappeared.Our friend who survived said, the last time they saw her, she was in the water asking for help.I saw her in your list of missing persons, but I dont know now if they found her.Thank You, Mr. Mikey!

Noone can ever re-pay the value of the lost family and friends for those on that cruise but i think costa has donne a good deal that giving money back and starting to set up a plan for those involved and who has psycological trauma from the accident. i think they seem to take a good responsibility after tha accident but we dont know before all is dealt with.. however… it is just sad, i have follow the accident from first report of grounding on web cam and when i saw she lay on side i cry that one moment thinking 200 still onboard.. now lucky only less than 50 was dead but even 1 or 2 is to much.. crew did a good job with the equip and info they had and schettino is horrible captain.. dont go on my spelling errors, im swedish not american or anything but i want to send my deepest regards those who lost someone or something or felt same horrible thing on that ship as beeing stuck onboard and so on… rest in peace you lost souls and hope future are brighter for maritime safety those ships… money isnt all but money might help to get back on track. best wishes!

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